Grading Policy

There are two components to your raw total:

Final grade calculation

There are two grade distributions that we use when calculating a final grade. The first is a deterministic grade distribution which is the standard cutoff used in most American educational systems.

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
97+ 96-93 92-90 89-87 86-83 82-80 79-77 76-73 72-70 69-67 66-63 62-60 59-0

These are the minimum grades that you can achieve in this course using the raw final grade (which includes the flat curve for each exam).

We won’t give anyone a grade less than the above distribution dictates. Furthermore, we will use an additional relative grading scheme layer where the cutoffs are determined such that the percentage of students getting each letter grade is approximately as follows.

A's B's C's D's and F's
30% 35% 25% 10%

Important notes:

Regrade requests

All regrade requests would be handled via Gradescope. Regrade requests can be submitted at most a week after the grades are posted on Gradescope.

Extra Credit

Extra credit (which is given completely at the discretion of the course staff) would be given in exceptional cases for the following: