Lecture 9 (Kani) - Recursion and reductions

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October 01 2024 Lecture 9 (Kani) - Recursion and reductions Lecture 9 (Kani) - Recursion and reductions Lecture 9 (Kani) - Recursion and reductions Lecture 9 (Kani) - Recursion and reductions



Algorithmic Problem:

An algorithmic problem is to compute $f: \Sigma^\ast \rightarrow \Sigma^\ast$, a functions over the strings of a finite alphabet. We say an algorithm solves $f$ if for every input sting $\omega$ the algorithm outputs $f(\omega)$

Types of Algorithmic Problems:

Analysis of Algorithmic Problems:

An algorthim has an asymptotic running time of $O(f(n))$ if for every input of size $n$ the algorithm terminates after \(O(f(n))\) steps.


A reduction from problem $A$ to problem $B$ is formatting problem $A$ in terms of problem $B$. The algorithm for $A$ uses the algorithm for $B$ as a black box.

example: Given an array $A$ of n integers, are there any duplicates in $A$.

Solving directly by comparing every element to every other element takes $O(n^2)$ running time. If we sort the array first then elements only need to be compared to adjacent elements which takes total $O(n log(n))$ running time. This is a reduction of the duplicate elements problem into the sorting problem when we use the sorting algorithm as a black box.

Types of Reductions:

Given 2 problems $C$ and $D$ where problem $C$ reduces to problem $D$


A recursion is a special case of reduction where the problem is reduced to a “smaller” instance of itself.

example: Tower of Hanoi, moving a tower of size $n$ from peg $0$ to peg $2$.

The problem can be generalized to move a tower of size $m$ from peg $x$ to peg $y$. Then the problem of moving a tower of size $n$ from peg 0 to peg 2 can be viewed as moving a tower of size $n-1$ from peg 0 to peg 1, then moving the bottom disk to peg 2, and finally moving the tower of size $n-1$ from peg 1 to peg 2. Therefore a general algorithm that moves a tower of size $m$ from peg $x$ to peg $y$ can be recursively implemented as the ordering/ labeling of the pegs does not impact the problem.

Running Time Analysis:

example: $T(n) = 2T(n/2)+cn$ split into 2 after each node but the running time contributed by each split is $cn/2$. This results in a constant amount of work done at each level. The total running time is the sum of the running times for each level. Because $n$ divides by 2 each time, there are $log(n)$ levels. This results in a total running time of $O(nlog(n))$.


example: $T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn$ can be rewritten as $T(n) = 2(2T(n/4)+cn/2)+cn = 4T(n/4)+cn+cn$. This replacement can occur $log(n)$ times because $n$ divides by 2 each time. Every time the replacement occurs an extra $cn$ is added. This means the eventual expansion will be $T(n) = cn+…cn = cnlog(n)$ which has a running time of $O(nlog(n))$.

Additional Resources


Nicholas Bampton