
# Topic |Problems| Assigned Due Questions Solutions
1 Languages and RegEx 4 Aug 30 Sep 09 Homework 1 Questions Homework 1 Questions
2 DFAs and NFAs 4 Sep 06 Sep 16 Homework 2 Questions Homework 2 Questions
3 Fooling Sets and CFGs 4 Sep 14 Sep 23 Homework 3 Questions Homework 3 Questions
4 Reductions and Divide & Conquer 4 Oct 04 Oct 14 Homework 4 Questions Homework 4 Questions
5 Backtracking and Dynamic Programming 4 Oct 11 Oct 21 Homework 5 Questions
6 More Dynamic Programming and Problem-Graph Modeling Oct 18 Oct 28
7 DAGs, Shortest Paths Oct 25 Nov 04
8 Reductions, NP-Completeness Nov 08 Nov 18
9 NP-Completeness, Decidability Nov 15 Dec 02


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