Lecture 1 (Kani) - Languages and regular expression

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August 29 2024 Lecture 1 (Kani) - Languages and regular expression Lecture 1 (Kani) - Languages and regular expression Lecture 1 (Kani) - Languages and regular expression Lecture 1 (Kani) - Languages and regular expression


Strings and Languages

Some string and set facts:

  • $x \cdot y = xy$ is the concatenation of two strings.
  • $\vert w \vert$ is the length of a string
  • $\Sigma^n$ is the set of all strings over $\Sigma$ of length $n$
  • $\Sigma^{*}$ is the set of all strings over $\Sigma$ of all lengths
  • $\varepsilon$ is the empty string
  • Subsequence of string is a subset of its characters that appear in the same order as they do in the original string
  • $\emptyset$ is the empty set
  • $\\{ \varepsilon \\}$ is the non-empty set containing one element, the empty string.
  • Concatentation of two sets is all possible pairs of elements


Regular Languages

Kleene’s Theorem: A language is regular if and only if it can be obtained from finite languages by applying the three operations: union ($\cup$), concatenation ($\cdot$), repetition($^*$) a finite number of times.

Base Case:: $\emptyset$, $\{ \varepsilon \}$, $\{a\}$ (for each $a \in \Sigma$) are all regular languages. Inductive Step: If you can apply the above operations on the base language a

Regular expressions

A simple shorthand for describing a regular language. IN regular expressions:


Everything tied together

Let’s look at the following problem:

Problem: Consider the problem of a n-input AND function. The input ($x$) is a string $n$-digits long with $\Sigma = {0,1}$ and has an output ($y$) which is the logical AND of all the elements of $x$.

TO analyze it’s computational complexity, we need to formulate it as a language ($\Sigma = \{0, 1, \cdot, \vert \}$):

\[L_{AND_N} = \begin{Bmatrix} 0\cdot|0, & 1\cdot|1, & & \\ 0 \cdot 0\cdot| 0, & 0 \cdot 1\cdot| 0, & 1 \cdot 0\cdot| 0, & 1 \cdot 1\cdot| 1 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ (0\cdot)^n|0, & (0\cdot)^{n-1}1|0, & \ldots & (1\cdot)^n|1 \ldots \\ \end{Bmatrix}\]

Then to show it’s one of the simplest languages there is, we represent that language as a regular expression:

\[r_{AND_N} = \underbrace{(0\cdot + 1\cdot)^* 0 (0\cdot + 1 \cdot)^* \vert 0"}_{\text{all output 0 instances}} + \overbrace{( 1 \cdot)^*\vert 1}^{\text{all output 1 instances}}\]


Things I forgot to mention

What is $\varepsilon^+$

There was a question on what $\varepsilon^+$ (and $\varepsilon^*$). My argument was that it should be $\{\varepsilon\}$ because you always get a set out of the Kleene star and:

\[\varepsilon^+ = \Sigma_{n=1}^{\infty}\varepsilon^n = \varepsilon^1 \cup \varepsilon^2 \cup \ldots\]

where you have multiple strings that you can union together. However, some of you were confused because theres only strings in that equation and so shouldn’t the output be a string ($\varepsilon$ (not a set))?

I went through a bunch of text and saw that Kleene star is always applied to a set. The only time when it isn’t applied to a set is when we’re talking about regular expressions.

So I think you guys are right, sort of. Union is supposed to be a set operation and union-ing strings together means nothing. However, the issue is regular expressions are a permanent fixture of modern computability and so when someone writes $w^*$, they don’t literally mean union of $w$ with $ww$ and so on, in the mathematical sense, they mean $w^*$ in the RegEx sense and regular expressions assume that when you write $w$, you mean $\{w\}$. So yeah, this is my bad.

The correct answer would be $\{\varepsilon\}$ assuming a regular expression, or simply undefined in a strict mathematical interpretation.


Additional Resources


Nickvash Kani