Lecture 11 (Kani) - Backtracking

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October 08 2024 Lecture 11 (Kani) - Backtracking Lecture 11 (Kani) - Backtracking Lecture 11 (Kani) - Backtracking Lecture 11 (Kani) - Backtracking



Recursion is a special case of reduction.

Recursion in Algorithmic design


A backtracking algorithm tries to construct a solution to a computational problem incrementally, one small piece at a time. Whenever the algorithm needs to decide between multiple alternatives to the next component of the solution, it recursively evaluates every alternative and then chooses the best one.

State Tree

A state space tree is a tree constructed from all of the possible states of the problem as nodes, connected via state transitions from some initial state as root to some terminal state as a leaf.

Example 1 - The Queens problem

Problem -

  1. How many queens can one place on the board?
  2. Can one place 8 queens on the board?


text text text text
Initial board with Queen 1 placement. All the possible places that the current queen can go to. Queen 2 placement. Final 8-Queen problem solved in 1850 (published in 1848)

Problem :


Search tree for 5 queens: text

Each node in the state tree represents a board state. For eg. node 135 represents a board where the queens placed on column 1,3 and 5. The leaf nodes represent the final state of the board where either 5 queens are placed or it cannot proceed further.

Hence, we recursively search over an implicit tree, where we “backtrack” if certain possibilities do not work.

Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)



  1. Naive solution:
      max = 0
      for each subsequence B of A do
       if B is increasing and |B| > max then
         max = |B|
      Output max

    Running time: O(n$2^n$) for $2^n$ subsequences of a sequence of length n and O(n) time to check if a given sequence is increasing.

  2. Recursive solution for LIS(A[1..n]):
    • Case 1: Does not contain A[n] in which case LIS(A[1..n]) = LIS(A[1..(n − 1)])
    • Case 2: Contains A[n] in which case LIS(A[1..n]) is not so clear.
    • Note: For second case we want to find a subsequence in A[1..(n − 1)] that is restricted to numbers less than A[n]. This suggests that a more general problem is LIS_smaller(A[1..n], x) which gives the longest increasing subsequence in A where each number in the sequence is less than x.
LIS_smaller(A[1..n], x):
  if (n = 0) then return 0
  m = LIS_smaller(A[1..(n − 1)], x)
  if (A[n] < x) then
    m = max(m, 1 + LIS_smaller(A[1..(n − 1)], A[n]))
  Output m

  return LIS_smaller(A[1..n], ∞)

Running time: O($2^n$)

General pattern

Backtracking algorithms are commonly used to make a sequence of decisions, with the goal of building a recursively defined structure satisfying certain constraints. Often (but not always) this goal structure is itself a sequence. For example:

Additional Resources


Sandhya Perumenki