Lecture 14 (Abraham) - Graphs and basic search

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I. Undirected graphs


An undirected (simple) graph G = (V, E) is a 2-tuple:

Notation and Convention

An edge in an undirected graphs is an unordered pair of nodes and hence it is a set. Conventionally we use uv for {u, v} when it is clear from the context that the graph is undirected.

Graph Representation I - Adjacency Matrix

Represent G = (V, E) with n vertices and m edges using a n x n adjacency matrix A where


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Graph Representation II - Adjacency List

Represent G = (V, E) with n vertices and m edges using adjacency lists:


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Concrete Representation

Assume vertices are numbered arbitrarily as {1, 2,…, n}.

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Given a graph G = (V, E):

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Basic Graph Search in Undirected Graphs:
Given G = (V,E) and vertex u $\in$ V. Let n = V . Then:
  Visited[1 . . n] = FALSE
  //ToExplore, S: Lists
  Add u to ToExplore and to S
  Visited[u] = TRUE
  while (ToExplore is non-empty) do
    Remove node x from ToExplore
    for each edge xy in Adj(x) do
      if (Visited[y] = FALSE)
        Visited[y] = TRUE
        Add y to ToExplore
        Add y to S
  Output S

Running time : O(n+m)

II. Directed graphs


Graph G = (V, E) with n vertices and m edges:

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Directed Connectivity

Given a graph G = (V, E):

Example of Asymmetricity: D can reach B but B cannot reach D.

Strong Connected Components
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Basic Graph Search in Directed Graphs

Given G = (V,E) and vertex u $\in$ V. Let n = |V|. Then:

  array Visited[1..n]
  Initialize: Set Visited[i] = FALSE for 1 <= i <= n
  List: ToExplore, S
  Add u to ToExplore and to S, Visited[u] = TRUE
  Make tree T with root as u
  while (ToExplore is non-empty) do
    Remove node x from ToExplore
    for each edge (x, y) in Adj(x) do
      if (Visited[y] = FALSE)
        Visited[y] = TRUE
        Add y to ToExplore
        Add y to S
        Add y to T with edge (x, y)
  Output S

Example - rch(B) :

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Basic Graph Search Properties

Additional Resources


Sandhya Perumenki