I. Undirected graphs
An undirected (simple) graph G = (V, E) is a 2-tuple:
- V is a set of vertices (also referred to as nodes/points)
- E is a set of edges where each edge e belong to E is a set of the form {u, v} with u, v belong to V and u not equala to v.
Example: In figure, G= (V,E) where V = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} ; E = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 5), (3, 7), (3, 8), (4, 5), (5, 6), (7, 8)}
Notation and Convention
An edge in an undirected graphs is an unordered pair of nodes and hence it is a set. Conventionally we use uv for {u, v} when it is clear from the context that the graph is undirected.
- u and v are the end points of an edge {u, v}
- Multi-graphs allow:
- loops which are edges with the same node appearing as both end points
- multi-edges: diferent edges between same pairs of nodes
Graph Representation I - Adjacency Matrix
Represent G = (V, E) with n vertices and m edges using a n x n adjacency matrix A where
- A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 if {i, j} $\in$ E and A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 0 if {i, j} $\notin$ E.
- Advantage: can check if {i, j} $\in$ E in O(1) time
- Disadvantage: needs $\Omega$ ($n^2$) space even when m « n$^2$
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Graph Representation II - Adjacency List
Represent G = (V, E) with n vertices and m edges using adjacency lists:
For each u $\in$ V, Adj(u) = {v {u, v} $\in$ E}, that is neighbors of u. Sometimes Adj(u) is the list of edges incident to u. - Advantage: space is O(m + n)
- Disadvantage: cannot “easily” determine in O(1) time whether {i, j} $\in$ E
- By sorting each list, one can achieve O(log n) time
- By hashing “appropriately”, one can achieve O(1) time.
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Concrete Representation
Assume vertices are numbered arbitrarily as {1, 2,…, n}.
- Edges are numbered arbitrarily as {1, 2,…, m}.
- Edges stored in an array/list of size m. E[j] is j$^{th}$ edge with info on end points which are integers in range 1 to n.
- Array Adj of size n for adjacency lists. Adj[i] points to adjacency list of vertex i. Adj[i] is a list of edge indices in range 1 to m.
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- Advantages:
- Edges are explicitly represented/numbered. Scanning/processing all edges easy to do.
- Representation easily supports multigraphs including self-loops.
- Explicit numbering of vertices and edges allows use of arrays: O(1)-time operations are easy to understand.
- Can also implement via pointer based lists for certain dynamic graph settings.
Given a graph G = (V, E):
- path: sequence of distinct vertices $v_1$ , $v_2$ ,…, $v_k$ such that $v_i$ $v_{i+1}$ $\in$ E for 1 $\le$ i $\le$ k-1. The length of the path is k-1 (the number of edges in the path) and the path is from v$_1$ to v$_k$. Note: a single vertex u is a path of length 0.
- cycle: sequence of distinct vertices $v_1$, $v_2$,…, $v_k$ such that {$v_i$, $v_{i+1}$} $\in$ E for 1 $\le$ i $\le$ k1 and {$v_1$, $v_k$} $\in$ E. Single vertex not a cycle according to this defnition.
- Caveat: Some times people use the term cycle to also allow vertices to be repeated; we will use the term tour.
- A vertex u is connected to v if there is a path from u to v.
- The connected component of u, con(u), is the set of all vertices connected to u.
- In undirected graphs, connectivity is a refexive, symmetric, and transitive relation. Connected components are the equivalence classes.
- Graph is connected if there is only one connected component.In undirected graphs, connectivity is a refexive, symmetric, and transitive relation. Connected components are the equivalence classes.
- Graph is connected if there is only one connected component. Example:
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Basic Graph Search in Undirected Graphs:
Given G = (V,E) and vertex u $\in$ V. Let n = | V | . Then: |
Visited[1 . . n] = FALSE
//ToExplore, S: Lists
Add u to ToExplore and to S
Visited[u] = TRUE
while (ToExplore is non-empty) do
Remove node x from ToExplore
for each edge xy in Adj(x) do
if (Visited[y] = FALSE)
Visited[y] = TRUE
Add y to ToExplore
Add y to S
Output S
Running time : O(n+m)
- Special cases :
- Breadth First Search (BFS): use queue data structure to implementing the list.
- Depth First Search (DFS): use stack data structure to implement the list.
- Search tree: One can create a natural search tree T rooted at u during search.
Explore(G,u): array Visited[1..n] Initialize: Visited[i] = FALSE for i = 1,..., n List: ToExplore, S Add u to ToExplore and to S, Visited[u] = TRUE Make tree T with root as u while (ToExplore is non-empty) do Remove node x from ToExplore for each edge (x, y) in Adj(x) do if (Visited[y] = FALSE) Visited[y] = TRUE Add y to ToExplore Add y to S Add y to T with x as its parent Output S
II. Directed graphs
- A directed graph G = (V, E) consists of
- set of vertices/nodes V and
- a set of edges/arcs E \subseteq V x V.
- An edge is an ordered pair of vertices. (u, v) diferent from (v, u).
- Examples:
- Road networks with one-way streets.
- Web-link graph: vertices are web-pages and there is an edge from page p1 to page p2 if p1 has a link to p2.
- Web graphs used by Google with PageRank algorithm to rank pages.
- Dependency graphs in variety of applications: link from x to y if y depends on x. Make fles for compiling programs.
- Program Analysis: functions/procedures are vertices and there is an edge from x to y if x calls y.
Graph G = (V, E) with n vertices and m edges:
- Adjacency Matrix: n x n asymmetric matrix A. A[u, v] = 1 if (u, v) $\in$ E and A[u, v] = 0 if (u, v) $\notin$ E. A[u, v] is not same as A[v, u].
- Adjacency Lists: for each node u, Out(u) (also referred to as Adj(u)) and In(u) store out-going edges and in-coming edges from u.
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Directed Connectivity
Given a graph G = (V, E):
- A (directed) path is a sequence of distinct vertices $v_1$ , $v_2$ ,…, $v_k$ such that ($v_i$, $v_{i+1}$) $\in$ E for 1 $\le$ i $\le$ k-1. The length of the path is k-1 and the path is from $v_1$ to $v_k$. By convention, a single node u is a path of length 0.
- A cycle is a sequence of distinct vertices $v_1$ , $v_2$ ,…, $v_k$ such that ($v_i$, $v_{i+1}$) $\in$ E for 1 $\le$ i $\le$ k-1 and ($v_k$, $v_1$) $\in$ E. By convention, a single node u is not a cycle.
- A vertex u can reach v if there is a path from u to v. Alternatively v can be reached from u
- Let rch(u) be the set of all vertices reachable from u.
Example of Asymmetricity: D can reach B but B cannot reach D.
Strong Connected Components
- Defnition: Given a directed graph G, u is strongly connected to v if u can reach v and v can reach u. In other words v $\in$ rch(u) and u $\in$ rch(v).
- Define relation C where uCv if u is (strongly) connected to v.
- Proposition: C is an equivalence relation, that is refexive, symmetric and transitive.
- Equivalence classes of C: strong connected components of G. They partition the vertices of G.
- SCC(u): strongly connected component containing u.
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Basic Graph Search in Directed Graphs
Given G = (V,E) and vertex u $\in$ V. Let n = |V|. Then:
array Visited[1..n]
Initialize: Set Visited[i] = FALSE for 1 <= i <= n
List: ToExplore, S
Add u to ToExplore and to S, Visited[u] = TRUE
Make tree T with root as u
while (ToExplore is non-empty) do
Remove node x from ToExplore
for each edge (x, y) in Adj(x) do
if (Visited[y] = FALSE)
Visited[y] = TRUE
Add y to ToExplore
Add y to S
Add y to T with edge (x, y)
Output S
Example - rch(B) :
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Basic Graph Search Properties
- Proposition : Explore(G, u) terminates with S = rch(u).
- Proof Sketch.
- Once Visited[i] is set to TRUE it never changes. Hence a node is added only once to ToExplore. Thus algorithm terminates in at most n iterations of while loop.
- By induction on iterations, can show v ∈ S ⇒ v ∈ rch(u)
- Since each node v ∈ S was in ToExplore and was explored, no edges in G leave S. Hence no node in V − S is in rch(u).
- Caveat: In directed graphs edges can enter S.
- Thus S = rch(u) at termination
Additional Resources
- Textbooks
- Erickson, Jeff. Algorithms
- Skiena, Steven. The Algorithms Design Manual
- Chapter 7.5 - Traversing a Graph
- Sedgewick, Robert and Wayne, Kevin. Algorithms (Forth Edition)
- Chapter 4 - Graphs
- Cormen, Thomas, et al. Algorithms (Forth Edition)
- Chapter 20 - Elementary Graph Algorithms
- Sariel’s Lecture 15